
Energy costs more when you’re poor: Fair By Design guest blog

Posted on 15 Feb 2019

Lucie Russell is the Director of Fair By Design, a campaign dedicated to ending the extra costs of being poor. In this blog, Lucie talks about the experiences of the ...Read More Read More

Poverty Premium Inquiry written submissions now available to view

Posted on 01 Feb 2019

In December 2017, the APPG on Poverty launched an inquiry into the poverty premium in order to understand the extent of the premium and to make recommendations for policymakers ...Read More Read More

Jean’s story: contending with the disability price tag

Posted on 04 Sep 2018

  Jean has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which means her joints dislocate easily and she is in a lot of pain. In this blog, she talks about the additional costs of living ...Read More Read More

Evidence sessions of the APPG on Poverty inquiry into the poverty premium

Posted on 28 May 2018

The APPG on Poverty would like to understand the extent of the poverty premium and make recommendations for policymakers and business to alleviate or eradicate it. The APPG on ...Read More Read More

Launch of APPG Enquiry into the Poverty Premium: Tues 12 December

Posted on 26 Mar 2018

We would be delighted if you could join us at the APPG on Poverty: EGM and Parliamentary launch of the APPG on Poverty’s Inquiry into the Poverty Premium. Tuesday ...Read More Read More

Poverty Premium Inquiry now accepting submissions

Posted on 20 Feb 2018

The APPG on Poverty would like to understand the extent of the poverty premium and make recommendations for policymakers and business to alleviate or eradicate it. We would like ...Read More Read More

Paying a high price: rent-to-own household goods

Posted on 23 Nov 2017

On 13 November 2017 the APPG on Poverty and APPG on Debt and Personal Finance held a parliamentary reception to launch End Child Poverty’s new report, Feeling the Pinch: Furnishing Your Home with Rent-to-own ...Read More Read More

Rethinking Poverty? We shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, says Kate Green MP

Posted on 16 Nov 2017

How to end poverty in rich countries has been the subject of much hand-wringing over the years. When the Webb Memorial Trust kicked off our programme of work in ...Read More Read More

What are the drivers of poverty in London today? asks New Policy Institute’s Carla Ayrton

Posted on 15 Nov 2017

On 17 October 2017, United Nations’ International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the APPG on Poverty and the APPG for London co-hosted an event with London Child Poverty Alliance to launch London’s Poverty ...Read More Read More

How academic research on UK poverty influences parliamentary debate

Posted on 10 Nov 2017

Is the new impact agenda the excuse you’ve been waiting for to use your research to make a difference? Sharon Wright and Peter Dwyer, researching the impacts of Universal Credit ...Read More Read More