Getting By? The reality of families in working poverty
Posted on 17 Mar 2015 under News, Latest News, Previous Publications, Uncategorized, Working with Business
Parliamentary launch of Getting By? The reality of families in working povertyTuesday 24th March 2015 2-3pm One of the recommendations of the 2013 Liverpool Mayor’s Hope Conference was that there should be more emphasis on working poverty and showing the reality of lives of families in working poverty. The Getting By? project was an outcome of this; over 2014 it followed the lives of 30 Liverpool working families, which is now been written-up as a book. As well as the launch on the 20th March 2015 in Liverpool, it is being presented to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty on Tuesday 24th March 2015. The event will discuss the findings of the project and bring to life the reality of those in working poverty and discuss what steps can be taken to address the growing issue of in-work poverty across the UK. You can follow the event on twitter using the hashtag #GettingBy @APPGPovertyFind out more about the Getting By? project and read the report here. |