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The APPG on Poverty holds inaugural meeting on 12 February 2020

Posted on 10 Mar 2020

The APPG on Poverty held its inaugural meeting on the 12 February 2020. The minutes of that meeting are now available. The meeting included the election of officers for ...Read More Read More

The APPG on Poverty was disbanded in advance of the December 2019 General Election

Posted on 05 Feb 2020

It is re-convening with its Inaugural Meeting meeting of the new Parliament on Wednesday 12 February 2020 at 1pm. Following this, it will re-register as an APPG and further ...Read More Read More

APPG publishes report on inquiry into the poverty premium

Posted on 04 Nov 2019

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty launches its report into the poverty premium. Read More

Providing Extra Support to Vulnerable Customers: E.ON’s approach

Posted on 27 Mar 2019

In a competitive market, how companies ensure their services are accessible to all, and in particular, how they support their most vulnerable customers, can be a tricky subject. Not ...Read More Read More

How fixing the loyalty penalty will help low-income consumers

Posted on 19 Mar 2019

Essential service markets aren’t working for people on low incomes. That’s a key reason why Citizens Advice made a super-complaint​ to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in September: ...Read More Read More

The poverty premium: how would you feel?

Posted on 06 Mar 2019

Alicia is a Commissioner of Birmingham Poverty Truth and an Ambassador for Fair by Design.  She has also recently become an Ambassador in a unison of Fair by Design ...Read More Read More

The hidden hurdle of nappy need for struggling families

Posted on 21 Feb 2019

Audrey Symes is a volunteer for the US-based National Diaper Bank Network, and is working with a consortium of British charities to publicise the issue of nappy need in ...Read More Read More

Energy costs more when you’re poor: Fair By Design guest blog

Posted on 15 Feb 2019

Lucie Russell is the Director of Fair By Design, a campaign dedicated to ending the extra costs of being poor. In this blog, Lucie talks about the experiences of the ...Read More Read More

Poverty Premium Inquiry written submissions now available to view

Posted on 01 Feb 2019

In December 2017, the APPG on Poverty launched an inquiry into the poverty premium in order to understand the extent of the premium and to make recommendations for policymakers ...Read More Read More

Jean’s story: contending with the disability price tag

Posted on 04 Sep 2018

  Jean has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which means her joints dislocate easily and she is in a lot of pain. In this blog, she talks about the additional costs of living ...Read More Read More